If you're like Chan & I, you saw Skylanders in a store for the first time and immediately became addicted. We've been collecting the tiny, adorable characters ever since, and have amassed about ten or twelve of them at this point. If you're less spastic/neurotic/easily swayed by cute figurines than us, you might have the game and a few figures.

Sadly, our collection has never looked this shiny or epic.
Either way, if you're "done" with the main story arc of the game and you've bought new Skylanders since, you might want to level them up and get all of their super cool abilities without having to replay through all of those levels again. If you want to fudge your way to fully-leveled Skylanders with all of their powers, we've learned a few tricks in the past week or so and we thought it would be nice to compile them here, possibly to aide other gamers hoping to similarly outsmart the system. Yes, we are kind of cheaters. So what.